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MMA Memo #105

Rapid Position Switching in Radio Telescopes: Structural Damping using a Constrained Layer Treatment

Jingquan Cheng [1]

January 10, 1994

Keywords: antennas, damping, resonant frequencies, fast switching

For the proposed NRAO MMA, calibration of the interferometric phase may require the antennas to be able to switch rapidly to and from a nearby calibrator source. The ability to switch rapidly is limited by the natural resonant frequencies of key parts of the structure. The frequencies of these resonances may be changed, and the 'Q' of the oscillations changed in a controlled way, by the application of damping material to key members of the structure. The use of constrained damping layers gives the potential for greater control of these factors; the technology is already in use in applications ranging from computer disk drives to airplane turbines. This paper outlines the principles of the constrained damping layer treatment.


Last modified: 09 December, 1999