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MMA Memo #202

Optimization of an Array Configuration with a Topography Constraint

L. Kogan [1]

March 10, 1998

Keywords: array, optimization, configuration

Algorithm of the optimization of an Array configuration described by L. Kogan in MMA memo 171, 1997 has been enhanced by ability to follow a topography constraint. The area of the optimization is selected as a circle of the given radius on the sky. The analysis is provided for a snapshot observation at zenith. For any other direction of the source in snapshot observations, the value of the worst sidelobe will be at least the same. The fitting of the 3.2 km array to the actual Chile site's topography is given as an example. The achieved minimum worst sidelobe practically coincides with the minimum obtained after optimization without topography constraint.


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Last modified: 09 December, 1999