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MMA Memo #212

Optimization of an Array Configuration with a Donut Constraint

L. Kogan [1]

May 21, 1998


Algorithm of the optimization of an array configuration described by L. Kogan in [1] has been enhanced by the ability following a donut constraint. The result of optimization for number of elements 36, for different width of the donut, and different sky area of optimization has been presented. The achieved minimum worst side lobe practically coincides with the minimum obtained after optimization without the donut constraint, if the width of the donut more than 0.25. In some cases the elements of the optimum configuration are concentrated near the donut's circles. So the two circle configuration, having advantage in maintenance of the array, can be close to the optimum as well. The calculation has been carried out for the array size 840 m (B configuration) with minimum spacing 15 m.


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Last modified: 09 December, 1999