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MMA Memo #215

A Strawman Optics Layout for the MMA Antenna-version 2

J. Lugten P. Napier, J. Bieging, J. Cheng, D. Emerson, M. Fleming, M. Holdaway, J. Kingsley, J. Lamb, J. Mangum, J. Payne, W. Welch, D. Woody

June 24, 1998


An updated strawman design for the overall optics layout for a 10 m MMA antenna is proposed. The design is approximately optimized for either of the off-axis feed geometries proposed in MMA memo 163; for one of the on-axis schemes the subreflector size and central blockage could be reduced. Formulas are given for the aberrations due to off- axis feed locations, as well as those due to mirror mis-alignment. The magnitude of the various aberrations is given for representative geometries, including the curvature of field which may be an important consideration for receiver design. Choosing the optimum optical parameters requires evaluating the relative importance of competing factors. For example, choosing a faster primary mirror improves the close packing performance of the telescope, but degrades the off-axis optical performance and increases the sensitivity to mis-alignments.

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Last modified: 09 December, 1999