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ALMA Memo #278

Waveguide Flanges for ALMA Instrumentation

A.R. Kerr [1], E. Wollack [2], N. Horner [1]

November 9, 1999

Keywords: waveguide, flange, screws, brass, steel

In many waveguide bands more than one MIL Spec standard flange is available. Flange and anti-cocking flanges, compatible with certain MIL Spec flanges, are increasingly widely used. Alignment tolerances on standard flanges are acceptable for most practical applications, except when a flange is used with a smaller waveguide size than originally intended; then tighter tolerances are needed. This report discusses the relative merits of these flange types and examines the effects of flange misalignment. The effect of differential contraction between steel screws and brass flanges is considered. Recommendations are made for flange standardization on the ALMA.

[1] National Radio Astronomy Observatory
[2] Goddard Space Flight Center

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Last modified: 1999-dec-09