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ALMA Memo #292

A Possible Layout for a Spiral Zoom Array Incorporating Terrain Constraints

John Conway
Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden
02 March 2000

A first attempt is made to fit a zoom spiral geometry into the terrain at the Chajnantor site. The objectives were to obtain a first order estimate of how terrain effected uv coverage, and to locate possible sites for the most compact part of the array. Only manual adjustments to the antenna positions were made. No attempts have yet been made to optimise for uv coverage, despite this it appears that such an array can be fitted into the terrain while preserving good uv coverage. One possible position for placing the most densely packed part of the array is identified. This region is on a slope with mean gradients of about 3 degrees. Further investigations of the geology in this region are required to see how suitable it is for building antenna foundations. The tradeoffs between ease of operations, uv coverage and the maximum gradients at which the the antenna transporter must operate should be carefully considered.

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Last modified: March 02, 2000