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ALMA Memo #296

Fitting the Largest Configuration 10 km) into the Terrain at the Chajnantor Site

L. Kogan
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Socorro, NM 87801
09 March 2000

The result of fitting the largest ALMA's configuration ( 10km) into the terrain at the Chajnantor site is presented. The two cases were considered:

The initial doughnut configuration is fitted to the terrain with the only topography constraint.

The initial doughnut configuration is fitted to the terrain with the both topography and the doughnut constraint.

The array configurations are optimized minimizing side lobes in the fitting process. The topography constraint prevents to close the initial symmetry configuration at the north-west direction. The beam shape and the side lobe level are shown for the two cases in comparison with the case of absence of the topography constraint. Both snapshot and 6hr tracks simulation have been considered.

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Last modified: March 09, 2000