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First Astronomical Fringe of a Test Correlator for the ALMA: Simultaneous Achievement of Wideband and High Resolution

Sachiko K. Okumura(NRO,NAO-J), Satoru Iguchi(NAO-J), Yoshihiro Chikada(NAO-J),
Munetake Momose(Ibaraki University), Mahoko Okiura(The University of Tokyo/NRO,NAO-J


Keywords: 2-nd generatin correlator, spectroscopic observations, Orion-KL

The first astronomical fringe of a test correlator for the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is obtained. The newly-developed test correlator system consists of two 4096-Msps Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) and an FX-type correlator that can divide a 2-GHz correlation signal from one baseline into 131072 frequency channels. A fringe spectrum that contains 20 line features as well as continuum emission at $\sim 86.2$ GHz was obtained by an interferometric observation of the Orion-KL regions using this test system connected to the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA), demonstrating that the realization of high frequency resolution over a wide bandwidth is technically feasible. The installation of such a correlator system in the ALMA will greatly enhance its capability of multi-line imaging.

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Last modified: 2002-08-16