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Measurements of Materials for SIS Mixer Magnetic Circuits

G. A. Ediss and K. Crady
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Revised 2002/11/14
Original 2002/11/01

Keywords: magnetic materials, hysteresis measurements

Measurements have been made of various magnetic materials in order to improve the flux density at the SIS junction positions in the mixer. The materials measured are Hiperco 50A, HyMu 80, Consumet iron and Magnet iron. Magnet iron is recommended for unannealed use. Consumet is recommended for annealed use. Hiperco 50A can be used annealed if large hysteresis can be accepted. For highest flux density for lowest drive current, annealed Consumet should be used.

ALMA Memo 438 has been revised as of November 14, 2002.

To view or downloaded the revised version ( November 14, 2002), please use the following links:

View a pdf version of ALMA Memo #438.1.

Download a postscript version of ALMA Memo #438.1.

Original version of the document (November 01, 2002) is available through the following links:

View a pdf version of ALMA Memo #438.

Download a postscript version of ALMA Memo #438.

Last modified: 2002-11-18