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An Analysis on the Effect of Dual Wavelength Polarization Alignment on the Accuracy of Recovered Beat Note Phase

National Radio Astronomy Observatory


LO Reference Line Length Correction Status Report (BEND- included an analysis of the phase and amplitude due to the beating of two elliptically polarized light beams. In this report, the problem will be re-examined and analyzed in a more generalized way. The result will be used to investigate the sensitivity of the phase of the beat note response to mismatches of the polarization states of the two incident light beams. The results will show accurate beat note phase can be recovered when the polarization states of the two light beams satisfy a specific mathematical relation between the polarization states at the point the two light beams are combined onto a single fiber. For systems with potentially depolarizing components, the condition is more stringent; the polarization states of the two light beams must be exactly matched when the two light beams are combined.

ALMA Memo 482 has been revised as of February 02, 2004.
The revision was made in order to correct a grammatical error.

To view or downloaded the revised version, please use the following links:

View a pdf version of ALMA Memo #482.1.

Original version of the document is available through the following links:

View a pdf version of ALMA Memo #482.

Last modified: 2004-02-02