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MMA Memo 166: The MMA Correlator

R. Escoffier

April 1, 1997


This memo will describe the design of a correlator for the MMA. The MMA project will likely begin in earnest in a few months, and the time has come to start definite considerations for this large and expensive subsystem of the array.

The design described here is for a lag correlator and justification for this approach will be given. A system clock rate of 125 MHz is also chosen and also justified. The decisions of system architecture and clock rate are the most important to be made in selecting a correlator design and much caution must be used before adopting the final approach.

At this time, no consideration will be given to the Atacama array (the combined MMA and Japanese LMSA), and the design described will be a correlator for the MMA alone. As plans and specifications for the Atacama array develop, the MMA correlator design will be reconsidered.


This section gives a summary of the MMA correlator specifications. Detailed system specifications will be developed over the next few months, and this section will provide a starting point for this effort. The basic starting specs for the correlator are:

8IFs per antenna (maximum bandwidth/antenna = 16 GHz)
4GHz maximum sampling rate per IF
2bit, 4 level sampling
1024lags per baseline with a 2-GHz bandwidth, minimum
4product pairs (RR, RL, LR, LL) possible for polarization
30KM maximum baseline delay range


Up to this point in considering designs for the MMA correlator, both lag and FX architectures have been studied. NRAO has experience in both types of systems for large arrays, having previously built the VLA with its lag correlator and the VLBA with its FX correlator. The text below attempts to justify the selection of the lag approach for the MMA correlator.

The MMA correlator will be a very large and expensive system as correlators for astronomical instruments go. Conventional wisdom has it that for small systems a lag correlator is most economical, but as an array acquires more antennas, the FX approach will eventually become less expensive. This is because, for a lag correlator, much of the hardware required varies as the square of the number of antennas, whereas for the FX approach, much of the logic (specifically, the FFT engines) increases linearly with the number of antennas. This consideration, however, applies only to the silicon component of the hardware and other requirements must be studied.

The table below compares the lag and FX correlator designs for the MMA application. This table assumes:

  1. a system clock rate of 125 MHz (see Section 4).
  2. a custom lag correlator chip with a 4 X 4 X 2 matrix of correlators (4 ant. by 4 ant. by 2 polarizations, see Figure 4).
  3. a custom FX chip that will do one radix 8 FFT butterfly.
  4. a custom FX cross multiply chip with a 4 X 4 matrix of multipliers.
  5. FFT-to-cross multiply interface of 12 wires (4-bit real, 4-bit imaginary, and a 4-bit exponent) at ½ the clock rate.
parameter lag correlator FX correlator
custom chip designs 1 2
number of custom chips (station) 0 30,720 [1]
number of custom chips (cross mult) 12,800 [2] 12,480 [3]
number of signal cables [*] 0 20,480 [4]
number of signal cables [+] 20,480 [4] 61,440 [5]
[*]between the delay lines and the FFT engines.
[+]between the FFT engines or delay lines and the cross multipliers.
[1]40 ant. X 8 IFs X 32 parallel paths X 3 chips per FFT.
[2](40 X 40) X 8 IFs X 32 parallel paths / 16 corr per chip / 2 polz per chip.
[3](40 X 39)/2 X 8 IFs X 32 parallel paths / 16 circuits per chip.
[4]40 ant. X 8 IFs X 2 bits per sample X 32 parallel paths.
[5]40 ant. X 8 IFs X 12 bits per point X 32 parallel paths / 2 (½ clock rate).

The advantages of the lag correlator are clear from this table:

  1. The FX correlator would require 2 custom chip designs, one for the FFT and one for a matrix of cross multipliers, whereas the lag design requires only one chip.
  2. The FFT butterfly chip would be very complex (at least 16-bit arithmetic at 125 MHz is required) and would probably take at least one year longer to develop than would the much simpler (but probably larger) lag correlator chip.
  3. The amount of 125 MHz inter-stage wiring is much higher for the FX design than for the lag correlator. The FX design will require over 80,000 cables whereas the lag system requires only a little over 20,000 (to put this in perspective, 80,000 125 MHz signal cables is a factor of 380 times the VLA correlator requirement). In addition, the number of signal cables given in the table above represents a minimum. In order to achieve this minimum number of signal wires, the cross multiplier matrix must be built in such a compact fashion that no output of the station logic is required to drive more than one cable. As will be seen in Section 5, this requirement can probably be met with the lag design. However, the FFT output of the FX design requires many more signals to drive the cross multipliers and, because of the limitations of I/O pins in the cross multiplier cards, a minimum wire interconnect will probably not be possible for the FX. If this minimum condition is not met, the FX cable requirements becomes more than 140,000 cables.

The number of signal cables is by far the most important factor in determining the practicability of the MMA correlator. The number of wires can be controlled by increasing the interface clock rate but at the cost of requiring more expensive cables and larger, more expensive, connectors. Section 4 will argue that a 125 MHz system clock rate is optimum for the MMA correlator.

Neither custom chip postulated for the FX design would be very large. If not for the large I/O requirements, higher levels of integration could be considered to make the FX approach more attractive (at least from the silicon standpoint). Still, the silicon utilization efficiency of the FX custom chips would not be as high as for a large lag correlator chip. The simple and regular nature of the lag correlator layout allows more efficient use of the surface area of the chip.

Additional disadvantages of the FX system include the much more complicated control logic requirements (for supplying the trig tables and timing signals, etc. for hundreds of FFT cards). This additional complexity will result in a longer development schedule and in a longer time to bring the system to operational status (as was experienced with the VLBA correlator).


The MMA correlator will be a very large system by any standards. Based on just the bandwidth and number of baselines, it will have 178 times the capacity of the VLA correlator. The maximum sample rate to be used in the system will be 4 GHz. Since there is no practical way to handle this high clock rate in such a large system, a lower clock rate parallel design must be considered. The selection of the system clock rate is of extreme importance. This decision will determine the final cost, size, reliability and operation power requirements of the system, and it is important to select a design that will optimize all of these considerations to the extent possible at the onset.

The table below gives a list of several possible selections for the system clock rate, the number of resulting signal wires between the samplers and the delay lines, and other considerations (the lag correlator design is now assumed):
system clock wires from samplers possible interface medium possible logic family comment
4 GHz 640 individual coax - impractical
2 GHz 1,280 individual coax - impractical
1 GHz 2,560 individual coax - impractical
500 MHz 5,120 individual coax GaAs? -
250 MHz 10,240 multi-signal coax ECL 100K -
125 MHz 20,480 multi-signal cable ECL 10K VLA technology
62 MHz 40,960 multi-signal cable ECL 10K -
31 MHz 81,920 twisted pair TTL 74F VLBA technology

In this table, the term multi-signal cable refers to a medium such as the Gore flat cable used in the VLA correlator. This cable can fit eight 50 ohm transmission lines in a flat cable about 0.5 inches wide and costs about $10 for a 5-foot terminated 8-signal cable. The multi-coax cable term refers to a medium such as AMP coaxial ribbon cable (AMP p/n 226581-9). This cable fits eight 50 ohm coax lines into a flat cable about 0.8 inches wide and costs about $40 for a 5-foot terminated cable.

In addition to the wiring technology, applicable logic families for each design are given in the table above.

To minimize the cost and size of the correlator, one wants to select from the table above the highest system clock rate which retains a convenient IC logic family, inexpensive and compact interconnect cables and straight forward printed circuit card technology.

A low clock rate, such as 31 MHz, would use very inexpensive interconnect cable (twisted pair), but it has the disadvantage of requiring many parallel paths. Also, the 74F TTL logic family is not good at driving terminated transmission lines. This inability to drive low impedances makes the rack-to-rack signal drive difficult and also makes printed circuit card design more difficult because long unterminated lines on a card must be avoided.

Higher clock rates, such as 250 MHz, require expensive and bulky signal cables. Expensive and poorly supported logic families, like the ECL 100K family, as well as more critical pc card design would also be required.

Based on previous NRAO correlator design experience, the highest clock frequency in the table above for which a convenient logic family, inexpensive interconnect cables, and simple pc card technology exists is at 125 MHz. Hence, this clock rate is chosen for the MMA correlator design.


A simplified block diagram for the MMA correlator is given in Figure 1. This diagram presents a fairly conventional lag correlator.

The analog outputs of the IF system drive sampler inputs where 2-bit, 4-level sampling is done at 4 GS/S. A block diagram of a sampler is seen in Figure 2. Some cost saving can be realized by making dual samplers that share parts of the circuitry such as the phase lock loop and the sample clock phase shift. This configuration means that a small residual delay error between two IFs of the same antenna would have to be removed in software.

Logic in the mode selection block routes the sampler outputs into the delay system. When fewer than 8 samplers per antenna are being used, this stage will assure high system efficiency by replicating active sampler outputs into unused delay lines and, hence, into otherwise unused correlators where additional lags can be generated. In this way, maximum performance will be obtained for the observational mode desired.

Next, delay lines are provided to phase the signals. The delay will be provided in very efficient high density RAMs. For a 30 KM delay range, 524,288 RAM bits per sampler output bit is required.

The data format conversion block seen in Figure 1 will take the 32 parallel outputs of each sampler and, using RAMs, re-sort the samples. Thus, the 32 parallel outputs of a high-speed sampler would be converted from each carrying every 32nd sample to each carrying short (about 1 msec) bursts of contiguous samples. If the N-wide parallel (2-bit) output of a high-speed sampler (each output carrying every Nth sample) were to drive the correlators directly, an N-by-N matrix of correlators would be required so that every sample gets correlated with every other sample. For N = 32, this would mean a matrix of 1024 small correlators to correlate the output of every IF of every baseline (each 8-lags in length).

By using the proposed format conversion scheme, the 32-wide parallel output from a high-speed sampler will be transformed into 32 parallel signals each carrying 1 msec segments of time contiguous samples that need only drive an N-by-1 array of correlators. This simplification in the correlator requirements is obtained at the cost of an inefficiency of about 0.2% which results because the end bits in adjacent 1 msec time segments of samples will never be correlated with each other.

Block diagrams (not shown) for the delay line and a data format conversion card are almost identical, and it is possible that these two cards can be of a single design. This design would have re-programmable logic such as field programmable logic arrays that would be configured at power up for one or the other function.

The cross correlator matrix of Figure 1 is used to correlate the sampler outputs of each antenna with those of every other antenna. At the intersection of any antenna X with another antenna Y in this matrix, there will be a 256-lag correlator. This correlator will compute lag products for the XY baseline, while the antenna Y and antenna X intersection of the matrix will compute the baseline lead products. Auto correlation products for each antenna are obtained from correlators on the matrix diagonal.

Figure 3 gives a possible layout for the correlator card. (The two axes of the correlator matrix in Figure 3 are described as the "prompt" and "delayed" inputs.) In order to minimize the delay line-to-cross multiplier cable interconnect, a very compact cross correlator matrix is essential. The design of Figure 3 places an entire 40 X 40 cross correlator matrix for two IFs of opposite polarization on a single printed circuit card. This PC card in addition is configured such that no signal drives more than one load.

Each chip passes along its input signals to adjacent chips in a matrix fashion. Column drive signals pass up through each column from the card input pins and row drive signals come up a column to the diagonal of the matrix and then drive in each direction to the entire row. Small programmable delay lines will be required at the input to each internal correlator to insure that all signals are phased to the correct bit regardless of the length of the path required to reach the correlator.

The correlator card layout of Figure 3 has one serious problem. The 125 MHz clock for two adjacent chip columns must be kept properly phased so that two chips high up in the column can exchange signals. It is possible that a very fast chip design will accommodate this requirement. Otherwise, a slightly more complicated clock distribution will be required.

Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the proposed custom lag correlator chip. This chip has a dual 4-by-4 array of correlators (one for each of 2 polarizations). The chip can be programmed via a microprocessor supplied program word for its position in the matrix and to select one of three correlator configurations:

  1. 1) four short correlators to compute the lags of all 4 polarization products (RR, RL, LR, and LL).
  2. 2) two longer correlators to compute just the lags for the two polarization components (RR and LL).
  3. 3) a single long correlator to compute lags for only one the two IFs.

In observations where fewer than 8 IFs are being used, more lags can be produced by dedicating more than one correlator array to process the outputs of active IFs. When this happens, cards in the data format conversion stage will be used to effectively connect two or more correlator arrays in series. The delayed input to the correlator chips that are to compute the higher level lags will be displaced in time the appropriate number of bits by offset RAM addressing in the data format conversion cards.

The data format conversion stage will also do the sample decimation for observations in which sample rates less that 4 GS/S are needed. Again, offset RAM addressing in this stage will generate offset delays for the computation of additional lags.

The long-term accumulation block seen in Figure 1 integrates the correlator outputs for the desired duration. The correlator chips will produce a total of 52,428,800 lag results to be accumulated. The parallelism factor, 32, allows the reduction of this number to 1,638,400, which when double buffered and spread across 32 long-term accumulator cards will require integration storage of 102,400 results per card.


The table below gives a preliminary count of the module and printed circuit card requirements for the MMA correlator:
Item # req'd size power req'd racks
4 GS/S dual sampler 160 2-wide VLBA module 20 w 4 racks
mode card 40 6U euro card 20 w with samples
delay line 320 6U euro card 80 w 10 racks
memory card 320 6U euro card 80 w with delay lines
correlator card 128 9U euro card 300 w 8 racks
control cards 32 - 40 w with other cards
long term accumulator 32 - 60 w with correlators
totals 100 kw 22 racks

The power estimates given in the table above are based on the experience gained in the development of the GBT spectrometer. The biggest unknown at this time is the dissipation to be expected in the custom correlator chip, 12,800 of which will be required in the system. The GBT correlator chip dissipates about 5 watts with a clock rate of 125 MHz. Such a high chip dissipation in the MMA correlator would mean both high system power requirements and lower reliability because of the difficulty in removing the heat from the system at the high altitude site.

By using low voltage chip technology, it is hoped that the custom correlator chip described in this document can be built with about a 2 or 3 watt power requirement. The chip represents about a factor 2 increase in the level of integration when compared to the GBT correlator chip (twice the number of transistors). By using a more modern process, with finer component features and low voltage technology, a smaller chip with lower power requirements should be possible. The smaller silicon size should also mean a higher yield in the manufacturing process.


It is difficult to estimate the cost of the MMA correlator at this time. There are a number of items which will require more experience and study before accurate estimates can be made. The table below is a first attempt at a cost estimate (it is probably on the low side):
Item NRE no. required cost per item total
custom sampler chip $100,000 400 $ 250 $ 200,000
custom corr chip $400,000 15,000 $ 250 $4,150,000
EMI racks 22 $2,500 $ 55,000
power supplies 100KW $ 2/W $ 200,000
pc card development 10 $2,500 $ 25,000
samplers 160 $2,500 [*] $ 400,000
mode card 40 $ 500 $ 20,000
delay line 320 $1,000 $ 320,000
memory card 320 $1,000 $ 320,000
correlator card 128 $ 500 [*] $ 64,000
control cards 32 $1,500 $ 48,000
long-term accumulators 32 $2,500 $ 80,000
backplanes 100 $ 500 $ 50,000
8-conductor signal cables 5,000! $ 10 $ 50,000
sampler bins 16 $ 300 $ 5,000
card bins 75 $ 1000 $ 75,000
metal work $ 100,000
contingency $ 750,000
test equipment $ 75,000
computer hardware ?
computer software ?
total ~$7,000,000+

[*] does not include custom chips

  MMA Correlator Block Diagram
Figure 1:MMA Correlator Block Diagram.

Postscript version of Figure 1 may be easier to read.

  4 GHz Dual Sampler
Figure 2:4 GHz Dual Sampler.

Postscript version of Figure 2 may be easier to read.

  MMA Correlator Block Diagram
Figure 3:MMA Correlator Block Diagram.

Postscript version of Figure 3 may be easier to read.

11x17 postscript version of Figure 3

  MMA Correlator Chip
Figure 4:MMA Correlator Chip.

Postscript version of Figure 4 may be easier to read.