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Continuum Measurements

In the above we have concentrated on how SSB and DSB observing affects spectral line observations. For continuum measurements, DSB observations double the detection bandwidth. With 16 GHz of bandwidth, a doubling of the bandwidth may not be desirable. The 460-490 GHz, 660-690 GHz, and 820-900 GHz atmospheric windows are much narrower than the lower-frequency wavebands and contain strong absorption lines due to telluric tex2html_wrap_inline828 and . These intrusions will make placement of the full 16 GHz of bandwidth difficult.

It would seem that the image-separating mixer would be an ideal design which would meet the needs of both spectral line and continuum observers. Continuum observers could take advantage of the dual-sideband capabilities, while spectral line observations would benefit from the ability to reject the image sideband.

Jeff Mangum